26th Wooten Golf Classic
Cancelled but support still wanted
Our Wooten Golf Classic is cancelled for a third and most likely final year due to the pandemic. Look for updates for October 2023.
Your support is still wanted to help us provide tuition-free afterschool and summer programs for more than 400 students in grades 3-12 per year.
Wooten Golf Classic is a charity event presented annually by our Board of Directors to raise support for our youth center programming. Click on the Donate button to give online or mail your gift to the address below.
Thank you. :)
Naomi McSwain, Executive Director
(323) 756-7203 office
Sapphire ($50,000)
Diamond ($25,000)
Platinum ($10,000)
Gold ($5,000)
Silver ($2,500)
Bronze ($1,500)
Partner ($1,000)
Supporter ($500)
Thank you to our 2021 sponsors:
Platinum-Plus: John and Evelyn Lapham,
Kit and Karen Jennings, Steven and Debra Oh -
Gold: Bank of America, Tom and Laurie McCarthy, Paul and Melinda Wetmore
Silver-Plus: Charlotte de Silva, Kinecta Federal Credit Union
Bronze-Plus: Alice Short and Steve Vielhaber
Bronze: Drs. Bernard and Connie James, John and Kathy Talley-Jones
Partner: Terry Dobson and Dr. Saeri Dobson,
Leslie Fishburn, Keith and Paulette Parker -
Supporter: John and Jill Arnstein
And thank you to our 2020 sponsors who helped us get through our initial pandemic financial challenges:
Platinum-Plus: John and Evelyn Lapham,
Kit and Karen Jennings, Steven and Debra Oh -
Gold: Gary and Karen Wagner,
Paul and Melinda Wetmore -
Silver-Plus: Frank Babka,
David and Elizabeth McFadzean -
Silver: Brian Condon and Kara Rossi,
Kinecta Federal Credit Union,
Merrill Lynch, Keith and Paulette Parker -
Bronze: John and Kathy Talley-Jones
Partner: Frank and Rosemary Denkins

Online Payments:
Click here to confirm your sponsorship or other donation and to make payment via your PayPal account or debit or credit card.
Mail Payments:
Mail a check or money order payable to
Al Wooten Jr. Youth Center to:
Naomi McSwain, executive director
Al Wooten Jr. Youth Center
9106 S. Western Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90047
(323) 453-6533 cell
Stock Donations:
Yes, we accept stock donations!
Please contact our broker at:
Marco Chu
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.
333 South Hope Street, 39th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: 213.236.2065
Fax: 213.629.3428
Wooten Online Activities
We closed our youth center in March 2020 due to the pandemic and immediately went fully virtual. Here's pics from our summer and afterschool activities in 2020-21. Looking forward to our reopening in June 2021 and hybrid summer program!
We closed our youth center buildings at 91st and Western in Los Angeles temporarily in March 2020 due to the pandemic.
Here are some pics from our free Wooten Online afterschool and summer programs for students in grades 3-12.