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John G. Lapham III

Our Wooten Champion

Thank you family and friends


We are very humbled to have been presented with the opportunity to receive donations on behalf of our long-time board member John Lapham. We know John gave to many causes and so were very humbled to hear of his friends' interest in supporting our work providing educational support services for students in grades 3-12 in the South LA area.


Thank you for your gift in his honor. Thank you Steven Oh for reaching out and to the friends who inquired.


How to Give


Unless anonymous is requested, we will post donor names and any comments. Click here for the list as of 1/3/23.


Click on the Donate button for information on giving online, by mail, or via stock transfer. All online payments are processed by PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to give online. Credit or debit cards are accepted.

The Wooten Center is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation may be tax deductible. Check with your advisor.




For more information, contact our executive director Naomi McSwain on her cell phone at (323) 453-6533 or


More Information


Click here to view our special e-newsletter on John's passing.


Click here for more info on being a champion for our cause.


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