College Scholarships
"The Wooten Center has assisted me in going to college through their SAT-prep workshops and paying for college through their Ron Glass Memorial Scholarship. I will forever be eternally grateful for their guidance through my high school and college years."
Grace Nyenke, Wooten Alum / UC Merced, journalism student
The great news about college scholarships is that, unlike student loans, they don't have to be repaid! There's many sources for finding scholarships, including high school counselors, college financial aid offices, fraternal organizations, and chambers of commerce and other business or professional associations.
Search for scholarships at the links below. Apply for as many as possible and not rely on any one. Search by categories such as city or region, grade level, career interests, ethnicity, gender, religion, and extracurriculars.
Remember, you don't have to be a top student to qualify for many scholarships. In fact, they all want to support you in improving your skills and achieving your goals!
Scholarships at the Wooten Center (See our 2021 recipients below)
High school seniors and undergraduate college students are invited to apply for our Ron Glass Memorial Scholarship below annually by July 1 for the fall!
Ron Glass Memorial Scholarship
About Ron:
Ron Glass was a member of our board of directors for 23 years, from 1993 to 2016. He served until his passing at age 71 from respiratory failure. While chairman of the board for 12 years from 1993 to 2005, Ron helped guide our efforts purchasing our buildings, establishing our annual dinner and golf fundraisers, and encouraging SAT and other college-prep activities continued today under our MyCollegeTrek program. Our board voted to establish this scholarship in honor of Ron's passion for seeing young people go to college.
Ron Glass had a double major with BA degrees in drama and literature from the University of Evansville, Indiana, where he was born in 1945. He was an acclaimed actor starring in TV shows such as Barney Miller and Firefly and films such as Serenity, Lakeview Terrace and Death at a Funeral. He was the voice of dad Randy Carmichael in Rugrats.
About the Scholarship:
Who can apply? High school seniors and undergraduate college students (selections are largely based on achievements, capabilities, need, references, schools, and interests as reviewed by our scholarship committee below)
Can previous "Ron Scholars" reapply? Yes, with minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA or good progress
Deadline: July 1
Decisions: August
Scholarship Amount/Award Date: The amount awarded is based on student need and could range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on available funds. Scholarship checks will be mailed to your college, typically by September 30. Your college will post the award to your account and add it to your disbursement schedule.
References: All applicants must have at least one person complete our online Reference Form. Up to three references accepted. Must be a teacher, counselor, coach, employer or other non-family member familiar with your academic, service, leadership, extracurricular, employment and other experience.
Attachments Required:
Your financial aid award letter confirming your estimated "need" (Very important to show need as estimated by your school's Finance Aid Office. Contact them if you cannot find it in your portal.)
Full transcripts from all schools. Must show cum GPA and grades for all coursework, including transfer.
High school students, be sure to submit grades for your final semester as soon as possible. Our scholarship committee may not be able to consider your application if your final grades are not received in time.
At least one reference submitted separately by a teacher, counselor, coach, employer or non-family member who can give a good picture of your achievements and capabilities. Up to three references accepted.
Instructions for Students:
Provide as much detail as possible on the Student Application to be competitive. Items with asterisks are required. Respond to as many questions as possible, even if they are not required to provide a broader picture of your accomplishments and interests. The more detail, the more competitive.
Instructions for References:
Provide as much detail as possible on the Reference Form to help the student be more competitive. We are looking for overall experience in academics, service, leadership, work and volunteer experience, etc. so please share what you know about their success in each one. Thank you for your support for them.
For questions or comments, call Naomi at 323-756-7203, or go to Contact to send her an email. Call to follow up.
Congratulations to the following "Ron Scholars" awarded scholarships totaling $18,000 in 2022:
Myles Holloway
CSU Sacramento
BS, Kinesiology
Doctor, Sports Medicine
Jordyn Pruitt
Pepperdine University
BA, Public Relations
Marketing business
Ramone Wagner
BS, Psychology
Sports Psychologist
Heather Middleton
Santa Monica College
AS, Cybersecurity
Michelle Gutierrez
UC Berkeley
BA, Music
Thank you to our 2022 scholarship donors:
John and Jody Dreyer, $1,000
Ira Pelofsky, $200
Paul Wetmore, $1,000
Dr. Connie James, $200
Ron Glass Memorial Scholarship Committee:
Thank you to our scholarship committee members for their selections and support raising funds and mentoring students:
Dr. Connie James
John and Evelyn Lapham
Laurie McCarthy
Naomi McSwain
​Dr. Scott Miller
Christelle Telesford
Paul Wetmore